Category: Science

  • File drawer

    I am using this as a space to organize failed studies and projects: a perceptual basis for outgroup homogeneity 📊 prediction: negative valence perceptually homogenizes group members’ faces outcome: there was no homogeneity differences across valence segmentation in moral learning & impression updating 📊 prediction: gradual shifts in moral behavior updates older person memories while drastic shifts…

  • (un)documentation & (dis)identification

    Where and for whom is the undocumented immigrant*? *Here I mostly speak of myself (even if I use plural indicators) and this is not intended to generalize to every other experience, although if it does, great! Where? To discuss where I am, I want to situate myself as both within and between boundaries of social…

  • whiteness in statistics

    I’ll set the context so people see where I’m coming from. I’m an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, have lived here in the U.S. for 21 years, and my family learned english as a second language. You can say I understand the immigrant/foreign experience intimately. This morning I scrolled through Facebook and came across a question…

  • social Justice

    Research, Journalism, Books My goal here is to aggregate resources on social justice. It will be a one page source for scholarly perspectives on social justice. Keep in mind this page is under construction, when I have more time I will fill it with content. Also, it has a focus on issues that I have had…

  • statistics+

    On this page, I will aggregate issues related to statistics proper.  For a developed resource page on mixed regression models, go here. This page will cover facts about other statistics – effect sizes, bayesian analyses, homo/heteroskedasticity, etc. Given the need to run high powered studies to output worthwhile science, I will also be collecting links…

  • caras

    My studies will require faces of all kinds, so I think I’ll just congregate face databases here. Here’s a database others are working on with more information and sources. Here’s another that includes more than just faces. Useful AgingMind – lifespan faces with a wide array of emotions: Link Paper FACES – young, middle, old with variety…

  • compute & model

    Being at Princeton, I’m surrounded by computational modeling, so I will aggregate sources here. Reading list Data science book Network analysis Node centrality List of connectivity measures Centrality & power Zhang 2017: Degree centrality, betweenness, and closeness in social networks Which centrality measure should I use? Network centrality social network analysis with R Exploring correlations…