Research, Journalism, Books
My goal here is to aggregate resources on social justice. It will be a one page source for scholarly perspectives on social justice. Keep in mind this page is under construction, when I have more time I will fill it with content. Also, it has a focus on issues that I have had immediate experience with or a need to learn, but it will be expanded to include other topics.
The following are links to pages that have already aggregated important publications in list form.
- Betsy Levy Paluck’s Blog
- Huge collection of POC/Queer-relevant books
- My undergrad english class – selections on race/gender
- Global Social Theory
- Decolonize All the Things!
- Racism within the sciences
- Twitter thread: documentaries for racism
- Anti-Black racism, racial disparities reading group
- Twitter thread: book recommendations for sociology of race/racism
- Critiques of “implicit bias”
Below I will list individual papers/books and summarize the take away message. I’ll try to find open links to them.
- Racecraft: the soul of inequality in American life
- MUST READ! Discusses the illusory nature of “race” and how we recreate it in our causal everyday language while obfuscating the actual role of racism. Really upended much of the way I thought about race/racism from the way psychology discusses it.
- Whiteness, racism, and identity
- Racism should NOT be transformed into identity or race, that’s when racism gets overlooked as causal and targets of racism get blamed as race-makers (by assigning them a racial identity) for responding to racism.
- The Ethnic Project: Transforming racial fiction into ethnic factions
- Discusses the process by which ethnic groups fight to either for their own place on the U.S. racial structure or against it. In other words, ethnic groups are always already racialized in a U.S. context.
- The Political Legacy of American Slavery
- Slavery has had a perpetuating effect on current political attitudes.
- Ain’t I a woman: Black women and feminism
- Details the history of white women and black men that made the struggle for equality of black women invisible.
- Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against woman of color
- Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics
- Coined the term intersectionality to show the compounding inequality of multifaceted identities.
- How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
- Black Marxism: The making of the black radical tradition
- Retrospectives: Eugenics and Economics in the Progressive Era
- Mistaking Eugenics for Social Darwinism: Why Eugenics Is Missing from the History of American Economics
- American Economic Reform in the Progressive Era: Its Foundational Beliefs and Their Relation to Eugenics
- Illiberalism Unbound: America’s Progressive Legacy
- Protecting Family and Race The Progressive Case for Regulating Women’s Work
- Progressivism’s Tainted Label
- Intersectionality and Research in Psychology
- The Law of the Noose: A History of Latino Lynching
- Latinos were also lynched, often for speaking spanish or for stereotypes that are still perpetuated today, and these cruel acts were propagated and celebrated by local communities and law enforcement.
- A Changing Lynchocracy: Lynching and the Performance of American Identity in Gold Rush California, 1848-1858.
- Racisms: from the crusades to the 21st century
- A historian’s examination of the semantics of “race/ism” across the world where they conclude that racism is a flexible concept whose form and targets shift to achieve some political goal (institutional and social power, resources, etc).
- In the clearing: Black female bodies, space and settler colonial landscapes
- Revolutionary Hope: A Conversation Between James Baldwin and Audre Lorde
Forms & Norms
- Conceptual Aphasia: Displacing racial formation theory
- Reads like a diss track on racial formation theory. Discusses how the mainstream sociological theory for race (“racial formations”) cant speak to/doesnt recognize or account for the enduring and gratuitous violence of black people, the stable positionality of black as discussed in afropessimism.
- Conceptualizing racism:breaking the chains of racially accommodative language
- provides an excellent overview of how “race” and racism has been theorized throughout the history of sociology and psychology, with specific attention to the way its been limited or mischaracterized in the service of fueling racism. Hammers on the reality of racism, the myth of race.
- Toward a Social Psychology of Race and Race Relations for the Twenty-First Century
- A basic overview update for psychologists, doesnt incorporate some of the more updated thinking on race/racism from other fields.
- Social Stigma and Disadvantage: Current Themes and Future Prospects
- The Pedagogy of the Meaning of Racism: Reconciling a Discordant Discourse
- Provides a useful history for the meanings of racism in academia – from racial supremacy to “prejudice + power”. (Though I’m not on board with his recommendations.)
- Critical Race Theory: An Introduction
- Rethinking racism: Towards a structural representation
- Feminism without borders: decolonizing theory, practicing solidarity
- Social Inequality, Power, and Politics: Intersectionality and American Pragmatism in Dialogue
- Gramsci’s Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity
- Race – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Critical Race Theory, Afro-Pessimism, and Racial Progress Narratives
- Afro-Pessimism: An introduction
- Can the subaltern speak?
- Decolonizing Dialectics
- A really long philosophical way of saying fuck unity, there are gains & progress to be had in constant struggle.
- What is Racism? Racial Discourse and Racial Politics
- Racism in the structure of everyday worlds: A cultural-psychological perspective
- This and the previous paper make the case that psychology needs to theorize institutional and sociocultural forms of racism if psychology is going to make any progress in understanding racism
- A socioecological psychology of racism: making structures and history more visible
- Same point, but uses the specific examples of police violence and healthcare.
- Toward a Critical Race Psychology
- Makes the case for infusing psychological science with a critical race lens that places concepts like interest convergence, investment in privilege & identity, and racial counternarratives at the forefront as a way to reveal the racial positioning of mainstream psychological science.
- Race as a bundle of sticks: designs that estimate the effects of seemingly immutable characteristics
- Race as a variable is a proxy for a bunch of other stuff, cant be a causal effect in itself.
- Deracializing social statistics: problems in the quantification of race
- Race as variable cannot be causal, must be interpreted as an association to some forms of racism.
- Conjuring difference, concealing inequality: a brief tour of Racecraft
- A review of racecraft, however, makes the point that scientists are a main source of racecraft, race is not causal entity and should instead be a dependent variable (what creates race).
Colorblindness & implicit
- Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States
- Excellent book deconstructing how even those that don’t consider themselves racist can uphold and perpetuate racial inequality.
- The nature of implicit prejudice: Implications for personal and public policy
- Social Influence Effects on Automatic Racial Prejudice
- Social Consequences of Disparagement Humor: A Prejudiced Norm Theory
- The failure of the importation of ethno-racial statistics in Europe: debates and controversies
- On the Meaning, Measurement, and Implications of Racial Resentment
- Language and linguistics on trial: Hearing Rachel Jeantel (and other vernacular speakers) in the courtroom and beyond
- The perceptions of AAVE as uneducated led to dialectical prejudice that killed the credibility of a witness in the Trayvon Martin case.
- Undoing Appropriateness: Raciolinguistic Ideologies and Language Diversity in Education
- Appropriateness-based approaches to language education are implicated in the reproduction of racial normativity by expecting language-minoritized students to model their linguistic practices after the white speaking subject.
- Language from police body camera footage shows racial disparities in officer respect
- Unsettling race and language: Toward a raciolinguistic perspective
- Conceptualizing Racism: Breaking the Chains of Racially Accommodative Language
- Makes the case for using more confrontational language (racism) as compared to accommodating language (race, due to race) to have more honest discussions.
- Looking like a Language, Sounding like a Race Raciolinguistic Ideologies and the Learning of Latinidad
- Theorizes the co-construction of language and race from the perspective of the hegemonic perceiver. In other words, people impose racialized links to various language practices rather than those language practices arising from race/ethnic origins.
- The Persistent Problem of Colorism: Skin Tone, Status, and Inequality
- Pigmentocracies: Educational inequality, skin color and census ethnoracial identification in eight Latin American countries
Incarceration & cop interactions
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the age of colorblindness
- A Multi-Level Bayesian Analysis of Racial Bias in Police Shootings at the County-Level in the United States, 2011–2014
- Policing Different Racial Groups in the United States
Politics, Housing, & Income
- Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America
- An interactive map of redlining in home loans during the New Deal Era
- The-ever-growing wage gap
- Racial Bias and Public Policy
- Drowned in silence: Memory, Mexican Americans, and desegregation in Austin public schools
- Graduate Students of Color: Race, Racism, and Mentoring in the White Waters of Academia
- Gloria Anzaldúa’s Rhetoric of Ambiguity and Antiracist Teaching.
- The students reshaped the classroom pedagogy towards the framework that best matched their racial understandings which then shaped their ability to fight racism.
- Racial Identity and Racial Treatment of Mexican Americans
- Even though “Mexican” “isn’t” a race, they have become racialized as shown through discrimination patterns they face in the United States.
- A class apart (PBS DOCUMENTARY)
- Discrimination against Mexican Americans in the Southwest. Describes the Hernandez v Texas case where Mexican Americans fought for a white racial identity and equal treatment under law.
- Perpetual Inferiority: Whites’ Racial Ideology toward Latinos
- In depth interviews in California provide further evidence of the racialization of Latinos, e.g., heritability of inherently “deficient” culture.
- Islamophobia and the making of Latinos/as into terrorist threats
- Towards unifying racial and ethnic paradigms
- Ethnic paradigm = assimilation projects. Racial paradigm = structural racism through racialization.
- Multiple measures of ethnoracial classification in Latin America
- Deporting the American Dream: Immigration Enforcement and Latino Foreclosures
- Deny, Distance, or Dismantle? How White Americans Manage a Privileged Identity
- The hard-knock life? Whites claim hardships in response to racial inequity
- On the Failure to Notice That White People Are White: Generating and Testing Hypotheses in the Celebrity Guessing Game
- Whiteness as a default category handicaps people from identifying whiteness as a commonality between stimuli.
- White Fragility
- Producing Colorblindness: Everyday Mechanisms of White Ignorance
- “White privilege” and shortcuts to antiracism
Costs & Consequences
- When prejudice does not pay: Effects of Interracial Contact on Executive Function
- Cognitive Costs of Exposure to Racial Prejudice
- You deplete me: The cognitive costs of colorblindness on ethnic minorities
- Explicitly dehumanizing Mexicans/Muslims comes at a cost: increased aggression and uncooperation as a response.
- Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation
- Microaggressions, Marginality, and Oppression
- Tool: Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages They Send
- Thin slices of racial bias
- The Role of Racial Identity in Perceived Racial Discrimination
- Perceived discrimination in the context of multiple group memberships
- Threatened identities and interethnic interactions
- Critical Race Theory, Racial Microaggressions, and Campus Racial Climate: The Experiences of African American College Students
- Critical Race Theory, Racial Microaggressions, and Campus Racial Climate for Latina/o Undergraduates
- Racial Microaggressions and Difficult Dialogues on Race in the Classroom
- Impact of Racial Macro- and Microaggressions in Black Women’s Lives: A Preliminary Analysis
- Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate Evidence
- Attacks microaggressions as a premature, subjective, and unusable scientific concept and argues that sensitive personality traits may be the cause of microagression perception.
- Microaggressions as part of the historical context of stigma and prejudice
- Attacks the above paper as ahistorical, the historical context of prejudice is important in assessing microaggressions/discrimination both in life and in psychological science.
- Racial and Ethnic Differences in Perceptions of Everyday Discrimination
- For Better or Worse? System-Justifying Beliefs in Sixth-Grade Predict Trajectories of Self-Esteem and Behavior Across Early Adolescence
Conflict Management
- A New Political Generation: Millennials and the Post-2008 Wave of Protest
- Discusses the ontogeny and effect of modern protests using Dreamers, Black Lives Matter, Occupy, and Campus rape reforms as subjects.
- How to overcome prejudice
- When Going Along Gets You Nowhere and the Upside of Conflict Behaviors
- Reviews how cooperative behaviors within/between groups is not always positive (e.g., pluralistic ignorance) and disruptive behavior within/between groups is not always negative (e.g., drives change).
- The dominance of the individual in intergroup relations research: Understanding social change requires psychological theories of collective and structural phenomena
- Norm Perception as a Vehicle for Social Change
- Prejudice Reduction: What Works? A Review and Assessment of Research and Practice
- Interventions Aimed at the Reduction of Prejudice and Conflict
- Silence is Not Golden: The Intrapersonal Consequences of Not Confronting Prejudice
- Confronting perpetrators of prejudice: The inhibitory effects of social costs
- When Do We Confront? Perceptions of Costs and Benefits Predict Confronting Discrimination on Behalf of the Self and Others
- How ethnic structure affects civil conflict: A model of endogenous grievance
- The implicit power motive in intergroup dialogues about the history of slavery.
- Stigma-Based Solidarity: Understanding the Psychological Foundations of Conflict and Coalition Among Members of Different Stigmatized Groups
- Groups that share stigmatization on a certain dimension (e.g., race) without being a threat to each other may end up building coalitions.
- Tweetment Effects on the Tweeted: Experimentally Reducing Racist Harassment
- Virtual social referents (here a “white male” twitter bot with a large following) are more effective at reducing the use of racist slurs by “peers”.
- Salient Multiculturalism Enhances Minority Group Members’ Feelings of Power
- Pedagogy of the oppressed
Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution: What They Are and How They Intersect
Queer Issues
- The Queer/Gay Assimilationist Split: The Suits vs. the Sluts
- A historical account of the political differences between queer subversive movements based on sexual liberation vs gay assimilationists based on mainstream acceptance.
- Gay Semiotics (nsfw)
- Provides a taxonomy of symbols for communicating sexual availability and preferences in the gay community back when it was dangerous to cruise explicitly.
- Inferences about sexual orientation: The role of stereotypes, faces, and the gaydar myth
- Capitalisms and Gay Identities: Towards a Capitalist Theory of Social Movements
- Warped: Gay Normality and Queer Anti-Capitalism
- Gender Trouble
- Undoing Gender
- Gender & Sexuality: Critical Theories, Critical Thinkers
- Great overview of the evolution of modernist/postmodernist/identity theorizing in Gender and Sexuality studies.
- Trans Studies in Higher Education Syllabus
- Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
- Identity Politics
- In Defense of Identity Politics: A Queer Reclamation of a Radical Concept
- excellent overview of identity politics, essentialism, queer theory, and feminism
- Must Identity Movements Self-Destruct? A Queer Dilemma
- Is Sexual Racism Really Racism? Distinguishing Attitudes Toward Sexual Racism and Generic Racism Among Gay and Bisexual Men
- The same factors that predict general racist attitudes also predict sexual racist attitudes, lending evidence that sexual racism isn’t just about preference but actually related to racism.
- ‘Not everyone’s gonna like me’: Accounting for race and racism in sex and dating web services for gay and bisexual men
- The (gay) scene of racism: Face, shame, and gay asian males
- “No Fats, Femmes, or Asians”
- They Don’t Want To Cruise Your Type: Gay Men of Color and the Racial Politics of Exclusion
- Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times
- Sexual Racism: Intimacy as a Matter of Justice
- Sutured Futures: Trans(homo)nationalism and assemblages of imperial and colonial genocide
- Social Networks, Sexual Networks and HIV Risk in Men Who Have Sex with Men
- Reviews and reconceptualizes HIV infection as a social network-level issue that interacts with individuals’ risky behaviors to drive transmission, prevention, and health outcomes. There are similar risky behaviors/HIV strains/etc in a network, one can be promiscuous in a less risky network and be ok, but once enter risky network also enter high risk of transmission.
- HIV-negative Men-who-Have-Sex-with-Men who Bareback are Concerned about HIV Infection: Implications for HIV Risk Reduction Interventions
- Shows that MSM are worried about HIV transmission (to varying degrees) despite increase in barebacking, and their strategies for mitigating risk include: serosorting, selective barebacking, and limiting fluid exposure.
- Serosorting Sexual Partners by Gay and Bisexual Men to Prevent HIV Infection: Implications for Public Health Clinicians
- Reviews the prevalence of serosorting in gay/bi men and the results of this behavior: e.g., less HIV infections but possible increase in other STIs. Also speaks to the risk of imperfect knowledge of self/other HIV status for serosorting.
- A strategy for selecting sexual partners believed to pose little/no risks for HIV: Serosorting and its implications for HIV transmission
- Bareback serosorting in HIV+ men can reduce infections for others and help mitigate stigma from serodiscordant individuals at the cost of increased risk of other STIs or HIV strains. For HIV negative men, it’s actually risky overall as efficacy relies on reliable knowledge of all party’s HIV status (which doesn’t occur as much as it should).
- Morality, responsibility and risk: Negative gay men’s perceived proximity to HIV
- Morality underlies the beliefs of gay men who have no close ties to HIV (friends, etc), e.g., a partner disclosing their HIV status violates their social norms although they expect the HIV positive individual to hold all responsibility for disclosing. This is not the case for gay men with close experience with HIV. Other Link
- Reframing HIV Prevention for Gay Men in the United States
- A Holistic Approach to Addressing HIV Infection Disparities in Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men
Social Action
- Intergroup Contact and Social Change – Implications of Negative and Positive Contact for Collective Action in Advantaged and Disadvantaged Groups
- Sex, Syntax, and Semantics
- The impact of grammatical gender in gendered languages. Relevant to the debate about “Latinx”.
- Essentially Biased: Why People Are Fatalistic About Genes
- Queer Genes: Realism, Sexuality and Science
- Naturalistic Approaches to Social Construction
International Considerations
- Beyond DAPA and DACA: Revisiting Legislative Reform in Light of Long-Term Trends in Unauthorized Immigration to the United States
- Most undocumented people since 2008 did not come “illegally”, they overstayed their legal visas. Moreover, a big proportion are eligible for DACA/DAPA.
- Unconstitutional Deportation of Mexican Americans
- American citizens of Mexican decent were deported from America as scapegoats to floundering job prospects during the great depression.
- House of Green Cards: Statistical or Preference-Based Inequality in the Employment of Foreign Nationals
- Applications for labor certifications are biased against Latin Americans.
- Learning to Be Illegal: Undocumented Youth and Shifting Legal Contexts in the Transition to Adulthood
- Navigating the US-Mexico border: the crossing strategies of undocumented workers in Tijuana, Mexico
- Unauthorized Mexican Migration and the Socioeconomic Integration of Mexican Americans
- Relative Deprivation and Relative Wealth Enhances Anti-Immigrant Sentiments: The V-Curve Re-Examined
- Public Attitudes Toward Immigration
- Racializing “Illegality”: An Intersectional Approach to Understanding How Mexican-origin Women Navigate an Anti-immigrant Climate
- Social Construction of Nation—A Theoretical Exploration
- The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality
- Latino immigrants in the American discourses of citizenship and nationalism during the Iraqi war
- Shows how immigrant soldiers who were given citizenship after death were done through discourses that simplistically painted them as completely patriotic (sacrificed for the nation) while de-racializing them in identity (no American hero could be perceived as non-white) and motive (army is an economic trap for low income folks).
Immigrant Health
- Civic Stratification and the Exclusion of Undocumented Immigrants from Cross-border Health Care
- Undocumented and Uninsured Barriers to Affordable Care for Immigrant Populations
- Barriers to health care for undocumented immigrants: a literature review
- The Psychosocial Impact of Detention and Deportation on U.S. Migrant Children and Families
- Migration & health • Mexican immigrants in the U.S.
- Racialized Legal Status as a Social Determinant of Health
- Protecting unauthorized immigrant mothers improves their children’s mental health
Immigrant Crime
- The War on Crime and the War on Immigrants: Racial and Legal Exclusion in the Twenty-FirstCentury United States
- Two forces (racial & more so legal-nativism) work to criminalize undocumented and documented immigrants. Great historical review on the laws that escalated policing and criminality of immigrants and the role of citizenship.
- The Social Construction of the Criminal Alien in Immigration Law, Enforcement Practice and Statistical Enumeration: Consequences for Immigrant Stereotyping
- The definition of “criminal” has been expanded with time which recriminalized those who already served time, increased deportations, and inflated immigrant crime statistics, which in turn feeds the immigrants-as-dangerous stereotype.
- The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States
- Local Context and Determinants of Drug Violence in Miami and San Diego:Does Ethnicity and Immigration Matter?
- Economic deprivation of a community is a stronger predictor of drug crimes than the ethnic/immigrant make up.
- Latino Immigration, Economic Deprivation, and Violence: Regional Differences in the Effect of Linguistic Isolation
- Re-examining the relationship between Latino immigration and racial/ethnic violence
- No evidence that immigration increases crime, if anything, slightly reduces it.
- Immigration and the recent violent crime drop in the United States: A pooled, cross-sectional time-series analysis of metropolitan areas.
- Immigration reduces crime: An emerging scholarly consensus
- Does undocumented immigration increase violent crime?
Immigrant Education
- The effects of parental undocumented status on families and children
- Unauthorized Immigrant Parents: Do Their Migration Histories Limit Their Children’s Education?
- The Impact of Current Immigration Policy on Women and Children
- The Role of Public Policies and Community-Based Organizations in the Developmental Consequences of Parent Undocumented Status
Field Research
- Developing the Field Site Concept for the Study of Cultural Evolution: The Promise and the Perils
- Tips on how to not be a colonizing researcher when engaging with other cultures.
Economic Class
- The Concept of Cultural Hegemony: Problems and Possibilities
- Describes Antonio Gramsci’s conception of cultural hegemony – where a group may dictate the ruling ideology/moral code/norms (that mostly benefit them) through non-violent manipulated consent of the people.
- Signs of Social Class: The Experience of Economic Inequality in Everyday Life
- Social Class and Prosocial Behavior: The Moderating Role of Public Versus Private Contexts
- The Undervalued Self: Social Class and Self-Evaluation
- Social Class Rank, Essentialism, and Punitive Judgment
- The Social Ladder: A Rank-Based Perspective on Social Class
- Social Class, Solipsism, and Contextualism: How the Rich Are Different From the Poor
- Having Less, Giving More: The Influence of Social Class on Prosocial Behavior
- Social Class, Sense of Control, and Social Explanation
- Signs of Socioeconomic Status A Thin-Slicing Approach
- A Summary of What We Know about Social Mobility
- Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function
- Some Consequences of Having Too Little
- The Myth of the Culture of Poverty
- Where we stand: Class matters
- Inequality and democratic responsiveness
- When Inequality Matters: The Effect of Inequality Frames on Academic Engagement
- Paying for Positive Group Esteem: How Inequity Frames Affect Whites’ Responses to Redistributive Policies
- Taking from those that have more and giving to those that have less: How inequity frames affect corrections for inequity
- Americans overestimate social class mobility
- Americans Still Overestimate Social Class Mobility: A Pre-Registered Self-Replication
- Money and Morale: Growing Inequality Affects How Americans View Themselves and Others
- Education level is associated with cardiovascular risk problems, systemic inflammation, arterial stiffness, and oxidative stress
- Structural covariance of homocide rates: are there any invariances across time and social space?
- An Empirical Assessment of What We Know About Structural Covariates of Homicide Rates: A Return to a Classic 20 Years Later
Other Sources
Here I will aggregate different sources like blogs or fiction that I have found insightful on the same issues above. Given that these are more author-driven pieces, doesn’t mean I agree 100% with everything they write, but rather, they are on this list because they provide insights that help conceptualize an issue.
Race/Ethnicity & Discrimination
- Conjuring the Black Radical Tradition
- La Realidad: The Realities of Anti-Mexicanism — A Paradigm
- Labor’s Aphasia: Toward Antiblackness as Constitutive to Settler Colonialism
- The Case for Reparations
- On Reparations: Resisting Inclusion and Co-optation
- How race is conjured
- Beyond “race relations”
- Race: The Power of an illusion (3 part PBS series)
- The capitalist foundations of racialization
- Harry Chang: A seminal theorist of racial justice
- Precursor theorizing to racial formation on a materialist account of racialization.
Forms and Norms
- Being-in-the-room privilege: Elite capture and epistemic deference
- The Flexibility of Racial Bias
- Decolonising Desire: The Politics of Love
- Why Are Black Parents Being Punished for Trying to Educate Their Kids?
- Why We Need Raciolinguistics
- Unwanted Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States
- Political Correctness is Not the Problem, Systemic Racism Is
- a very short intro to afro-pessimism
- Physiognomy’s new clothes
- Donald’s Trump Card: White Women
- An Absence of Solidarity: Anti-Blackness and Deference to White Privilege
- The First White President
- The language of white supremacy
- Are African American families more vulnerable in a largely white neighborhood?
- Beware of the White Gaze
- Who are the stories for: De-centering the white gaze in conversations about art and race
- anti-racism is a constant struggle
- Afropessimism and the (un)logic of anti-blackness
- Panel discussion: Whither Blackness?: The Curious Adventures of Afropessimism
- Panel discussion: The Case for Letting Anthropology Burn? Race, Racism and Its Reckoning in American Anthropology
- This conversation needs to be had within psychology
- Whiteness is the greatest racial fraud
- The question of ethics in the semiotics of brownness
- 30 Of The Most Important Articles By People Of Color In 2016
- Race is about interpretation, not identity
- Marxist feminism as a critique of intersectionality
- A Marxist Critiques Identity Politics
- Identity Crisis
- Shifting Objectives: On Methodology and Identity Politics
- Can we combine intersectionality with Marxism?
- What liberals get wrong about identity politics
- Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race
- The (Mis)use of Intersectionality in Student Affairs: A Call to Practitioners & Researchers
- The Definition, Danger and Disease of Respectability Politics, Explained
- Why the term “BIPOC” is complicated, as explained by linguists
- How do I get over impostor syndrome?
- Black as we wanna be
- how race is conjured
- Beyond race relations
- Believing in unicorns
- Refusing “undocumented”: imagining survival beyond the gift of papers
- Noncitizenship and the case for illegalized persons
- The x in Latinx is a wound, not a trend
- The problem with Latinidad
- I’m white and mexican, why do I feel like a fake latina
- Why It’s so Hard to Talk to White People about Racism
- The Sugarcoated Language Of White Fragility
- White Supremacy Is Not an Illness
- “This is a Country for White Men”: White Supremacy and U.S. Politics
- Mourning for Whiteness
- White fear of demographic change is a powerful psychological force
- What Whiteness Means in the Trump Era
- Money, Race and Success: How Your School District Compares
- What’s wrong with privilege theory?
- Tim Wise & The Failure of Privilege Discourse
- The Problem with Privilege
- The White People Who Need “Proof of Racism”
- White Liberals Still Don’t Understand White Supremacy
- What ‘Snowflakes’ Get Right About Free Speech
- Provides a great overview on the true barriers to free speech, hint: it’s not barring abusive people from having platforms.
- Race Talk in the Classroom: The Psychology of Racial Dialogues.
- Excellent talk by Dr. Sue on racial conversational dynamics in the classroom.
Conflict Management
- Stop Playing Defense on Hate Crimes
- How to #StayOutraged Without Losing Your Mind
- I Am a Dangerous Professor
- Can We Really Measure Implicit Bias? Maybe Not
- Psychology’s Favorite Tool for Measuring Racism Isn’t Up to the Job
Queer Issues
- Queer art pushes boundaries: why I made my explicit gay porn music video (nsfw)
- The end of gay culture
- A conservative gay’s thoughts on current assimilation and the waning of an explicit gay culture.
- The Queers Left Behind: How LGBT Assimilation Is Hurting Our Community’s Most Vulnerable
- When assimilation intersects with social inequality within the gay community
- The Personal is Political
- While within feminism, this idea has also had a big impact on queer identity – radical expression at pride events being one example.
- Doing Justice to Someone
- Judith Butler tackles constructionism and essentialism and discusses the Money case, the aftermath, and consequences for gender theory.
- A party has to be more than gay to qualify as “queer”
- Reviews how gay-oriented parties are not the same as having a queer-friendly nightlife
- When everyone can be “queer”, is anyone?
- Overview of the shifting semantics of “queer”.
- The Unsung History of Circuit Parties, Where Gay Men Seek Sex and Freedom
- Why should gay rights depend on being “born this way”
- Transfixed: The radical feminist body
- Judith Butler on gender and the trans experience: “One should be free to determine the course of one’s gendered life”
- The “Performativity” of Sexual Orientation
- Toward a livable mode of existence
- Gender nihilism: an anti-manifesto
- Discusses how instead of proliferating forms of gender, we should be abolishing the ones we have.
- Beyond negativity: what comes after gender nihilism
- Provides a materialist account of how we should go about abolishing gender.
- How contrapoints misunderstands gender
- Love in Black and White: To Love Ourselves Is to Love All of Our Parts
- Love in Black and White: Blackness Is Always More Than Enough
- Sexual Racism – podcast
- Is Reverse Racism Real and Affecting My Dating Life?
- Why I am not radical enough
- Some data from the 2015 trans survey
- Evidence of transmysogyny and transmysogynoir
- Queer activism: what might that be?
- Against a dream deferred
- Against the heteronormative imperative of the future child
International Considerations
- America’s Forgotten History Of Mexican-American ‘Repatriation’
- During the Great Depression, Mexican/Mexican Americans (including citizens) were forced to go back to Mexico.
- Immigrants Do Not Increase Crime, Research Shows
- Showcasing Immigrant Excellence
- Cautionary warning of possible negative impacts of sharing excellence narratives of immigrants.
- She Showed Up Yearly to Meet Immigration Agents. Now They’re Deporting Her.
- Personal look at the effects of Trump’s EOs expanding deportable offenses
- The false promise of sanctuary cities
- The expanded eligibility for deportation has made anyone arrested (even for minor infractions) deportable, no matter the sanctuary status of the city. Both parties have contributed to the deportation pipeline by providing local police with greater power through Secure Communities legislation.
- A Psychological Explanation of Undocumented Immigrants’ Participation in the U.S Economy
- Should All Americans Have to Earn Their Citizenship?
- Noncitizenship and the case for illegalization
- Makes the case for the use of “illegalization” in discussing undocumented status, placing the responsibility as external to us
- Why People Are Using The Term ‘Latinx’
- The argument against the use of the term “Latinx”
- Considers U.S. based latinos as language imperialists for changing the grammatical structure of pronouns to be more gender inclusive. Others point out changing Spanish towards gender-neutrality extends and occurs beyond the U.S.