Here are some courses that may be useful at some point. I will categorize by topic.
Skills for academia
How to undertake a literature review
- UNC econ: regression
- Little book of R: multivariate stats
- Bayesian: Link
- Sanjay: Everything is Fucked
- Richard Mcelreath – Statistics
- Using JASP for Bayesian stats: Youtube page
- Eiko Fried: Network Analysis Workshop
- Stanford Stats class: Link
- Multiscale Network Dynamics summer workshop
Functional Neuroimaging
- Giant list of fMRI resources
- MRC: MRI efficiency
- Tor Wager – Principles of MRI
- My favorite scientist: Jeanette Mumford’s brain course
- FMRIF: fmri summer course
- Neuroskeptic: Quick MRI tutorial
- Nipype tutorial
Science Topics
- USM: multivariate anthropology
- WashU: Evolutionary Psych
- Teaching: Morality
- Writing for media:
- Greatest List of Cognitive Modelling papers: LinK
- Princeton: Machine learning
- Princeton: Math!
Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms: Strengths and Weaknesses
- Yale Open Course: Link
And if you’re in the need for pdf books:
Enjoy! I’ll update as I find more.