current position:
market research analyst
City square associates
prior position:
postdoctoral fellow
data science initiative
harvard university
you can learn more about my journey on: cnn, my undocumented life, daily princetonian, princeton alumni weekly, princeton summer journal
my research explores:
how data-driven methods help us measure collective and idiosyncratic understandings of contemporary topics in race, sexuality, and migration discourse
how analytic methods and philosophical commitments shape knowledge-building in psychology
representation of social others
this research combines insights from computational methods and memory & evaluation processes to study individual and collective representations of others. specific focus on the flexible or rigid representation of categories (e.g., across time, learning, context, institutions, political projects, groupings), their origins, and how these representations may reflect and justify social oppression or motivate social change.
mental representations of immigrants encode racialized expectations of sociostructural positions
martinez, j.e., oh, d., todorov, a.
| preregistration |
immigration documentation statuses evoke racialized faceism in mental representations
scientific reports
martinez, j.e., oh, d., todorov, a.
| preregistration | preprint | data |
mapping varied mental representations: the case of representing illegalized immigrants
social cognition
martinez, j.e., todorov, a.
| preprint | data |
the group extremity effect: group ratings of negatively and positively evaluated groups of faces are more extreme than average ratings of their members
journal of experimental social psychology
verosky, s., tyack., l., martinez, j.e.
narratives shape cognitive representations of immigrants and policy preferences
psychological science
martinez, j.e., feldman, l.a., feldman, m.j., cikara, m.
| preregistration | preprint | data |
robust effects of affective person learning on evaluation of faces
.journal of personality and social psychology
verosky, s.c., porter, j., martinez, j.e., todorov, a.
social-cognitive representational spaces: ontology and consequences
master thesis
martinez, j.e.
knowledge of social affiliations biases economic decisions
plos one
martinez j.e., mack m.l., gelman b.d., preston a.r.
media coverage
stories of immigrant achievement could combat xenophobia
princeton insights
showcasing immigrant excellence
scientific american
martinez, j.e., feldman, l.a., cikara, m.
works in progress
legality is not enough: narratives about documentation status shape immigrant representations and policy preferences
williams, g., martinez, j.e., cikara, m.
social group discovery, structure, and stereotype updating
martinez, j.e., krasner, r., rosero, l., gershman, s., cikara, m.
(inter)subjectivity & theory-making
important to this research is the development of methods to better quantify disagreements or shared understandings of controversial issues across contexts and steer them in anti-oppressive directions & to understand how these methods, in turn, should inform psychological theorizing.
analytic racecraft: race-based averages create illusory group differences in perceptions of racism
journal of experimental psychology: general
martinez, j.e.,
| preregistration | preprint | data | reanalsysis
determinants of shared and idiosyncratic contributions to judgments of faces
journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance
albohn, d., martinez, j.e., todorov, a..
| preregistration | data |
disrupting racism and global exclusion in academic publishing: recommendations and resources for authors, reviewers, and editors
Ledgerwood, A., Lawson, K. M., Kraus, M. W., Vollhardt, J. R., Adetula, A., Leach, C. W., Martinez, J.E., Naumann, L. P., Remedios, J. D., Tate, C., Todd, A. R., Uskul, A. K., Westberg, D. W., González, R., Montilla Doble, L. J., Reddy, G., Romero-Canyas, R., Weltzien, K., Westgate, E., Zou, L. X.
facecraft: reification of race in psychological research with faces
perspectives on psychological science
martinez, j.e.
moving beyond social categories by incorporating context more deeply in social psychological theory
nature reviews psychology
cikara, m., martinez, j.e., lewis, n. jr.
quantifying idiosyncratic and shared contributions to judgment
behavior research methods
martinez, j.e., funk, f, todorov, a.
| preprint | data | rating simulator |
a pragmatist philosophy of psychological science and its implications for replication
behavioral and brain sciences
gantman, a., gomila, r., martinez, j.e., matias, j.n., paluck, e.l., starck, j., wu, s., yaffe, n.
media coverage
works in progress
stable judge x case interactions contribute greatly to sentencing disparities
martinez, j.e., uddenberg, s., gandhi, l., labbree, b., todorov, a., kahneman, d.
meaningful “noise”: comparative judgments contain stable idiosyncratic contributions
martinez, j.e., labbree, b., uddenberg, s., todorov, a.
queer sexual health
this research focuses on identifying social barriers or facilitators to PrEP uptake (a daily pre-exposure prophylaxis pill for hiv prevention). specific focus on mapping stereotypes of men who take PrEP and how different socio-medical understandings of PrEP might promote or prevent collective regulation of sexual health .
framing hiv pre-exposure prophylaxis as a private or public matter
aids prevention and education
martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
bridging the sero-divide: attitudes of PrEP users towards sex partners living with hiv
aids care
van dijk, m., de wit, j.b.f., guadamuz, t., martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
| preprint|
quality of sex life and perceived sexual pleasure of informal PrEP users in the netherlands
journal of sex research
van dijk, m., de wit, j.b.f., guadamuz, t., martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
| preprint |
slow uptake of PrEP: behavioral predictors and the influence of price on PrEP uptake among msm with a high interest in PrEP
aids & behavior
van dijk, m., de wit, j.b.f., guadamuz, t., martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
| preprint |
socio-sexual experiences of early PrEP adopters outside formal healthcare in the netherlands
aids & behavior
van dijk, m., kamps, r., de wit, j.b.f., guadamuz, t., martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
social judgments of sexual behavior and use of hiv pre-exposure prophylaxis
social cognition
martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
| preprint | data |
pre-exposure prophylaxis sorting among men who have sex with men
aids care
martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
| data |
media coverage
works in progress
harnessing social psychological insights for the advancement of hiv pre-exposure prophylaxis
martinez, j.e., jonas, k.j.
other areas of interest
through my prior experience as a lab manager, i was able to study visual and executive cognition across development.
control engagement during sentence and inhibition fMRI tasks in children with reading difficulties
cerebral cortex
roe, m.a., martinez, j.e., mumford, j.a., taylor w.p., cirino, p.t., fletcher, j.m., juranek, j.j., church, j.a.
perceptual biases during cued task switching relate to decision process differences between children and adults
journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance
martinez, j.e., mack, m.l., bauer, j-r., roe, m.a., church, j.a.
| preprint | data |
consistent performance differences despite manipulation of cue switching variables in children and adults
frontiers in psychology
bauer, j-r.*, martinez, j.e.*, roe, m.a., church, j.a.
* equal authors
| data |